Event listing (22 January - 21 February)
31 January

Place: Teatro Capitol

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

"Compasses of Passion" II Dance Festival of the "María Lucas" Academy.
1 February

Place: Ermita de la Atalaya

Brotherhood: Hermandad de la Santísima Virgen del Buen Suceso

Holy Mass in honor of the "Sma. Virgen del Buen Suceso".

Place: Iglesia de Santa Clara

Brotherhood: Cofradía de la Santa Verónica

Solemn religious function in honor of "Santa Verónica". After this, the naming of the Brother of the Year of the Brotherhood and a concert of procession marches will take place.

Place: Casa-Museo de Santa María Magdalena

Brotherhood: Hermandad de Santa María Magdalena

Inauguration ceremony for the restoration and remodeling of the House-Museum of the Brotherhood of "Santa María Magdalena".
8 February

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Cofradía de la Santísima Virgen de los Dolores

Failure of the VII Poster Contest "Viernes de Dolores en Cieza".
15 February

Place: Esquina del Convento

Brotherhood: Cofradía de la Santísima Virgen de los Dolores

Solidarity walk "Alberto Lucas Alarcón Memorial".
16 February

Place: Teatro Capitol

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

VIII Holy Week Music Band Concert, offered by the San Isidro de Armilla Musical Association. With the participation of Dani de Baza and Hugo Molina.
19 February

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Cofradía de Ánimas

Failure of the IV Poster Contest "Cristo de Ánimas".