Event listing (26 March - 25 April)
26 March

Place: Ayuntamiento de Cieza

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Call in the Plenary Hall of the City Council, with the assistance of Brotherhoods and Municipal Corporation.

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Transfer-Processional of the Banners of the Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption. Itinerary: Plaza Mayor, Cid, La Parra, Rincón de los Pinos, Pinos, Larga, Buitragos, San Sebastián, Esquina del Convento, Paseo, Salvador Seguí, Buen Suceso, Mesones, Cadenas, Barco, Cánovas del Castillo, San Pedro and Plaza Mayor.

Place: Monumento al Nazareno de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Tribute to the deceased Ciezans processionists.

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Reception to Authorities, Town Crier and Nazarene of the Year.

Place: Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Easter proclamation, by Javier Ramos Guardiola. Next, the traditional Proclamation Concert, by the Cieza Municipal Music Band, directed by D. Ginés Martínez Morcillo, who will perform: "Cristo del Perdón" by José Gómez Villa (Tribute for the 75th anniversary of its premiere), "Pious Mother" by Javier Morote Martínez, "La Caída" by José Vélez García and "Holy Week Ciezana" by José Gómez Villa.

Place: Club de Tenis

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Brotherhood food.
28 March

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Awards Ceremony of the XXVII Regional Drawing Contest Easter in Cieza 2023.

Place: Convento de San Joaquín y San Pascual

Brotherhood: Cofradía de la Santísima Virgen de los Dolores

Solemn Triduum to the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, officiated by the Rev. D. Rafael Martínez Manda, Parish Priest of Saint Joaquin.
29 March

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Radio program "Under the Andas".

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Day of Nazarene Hemodonation organized by the Vocal of Charity.

Place: Convento de San Joaquín y San Pascual

Brotherhood: Cofradía de la Santísima Virgen de los Dolores

Solemn Triduum to the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, officiated by the Rev. D. Rafael Martínez Manda, Parish Priest of Saint Joaquin.
30 March

Place: Convento de San Joaquín y San Pascual

Brotherhood: Cofradía de la Santísima Virgen de los Dolores

Solemn Triduum to the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, officiated by the Rev. D. Rafael Martínez Manda, Parish Priest of Saint Joaquin.
31 March

Place: Convento de San Joaquín y San Pascual

Brotherhood: Cofradía de la Santísima Virgen de los Dolores

Holy Mass in suffrage for the souls of the deceased Brothers of the Brotherhood of the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, officiated by the Rev. D. Rafael Martínez Manda, Parish Priest of Saint Joaquin. Appointment of Honorary Confraternity of the Brotherhood of the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows.

Place: Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Brotherhood: Real, Ilustre, Venerable y Primitiva Cofradía de María Santísima de la Soledad

Holy Mass in suffrage for the souls of the deceased Confraternities of the Royal, Illustrious, Venerable and Primitive Brotherhood of Holy Mary of Solitude, officiated by the Rev. D. José Antonio García López, Counselor of the Brotherhood. Appointment of Confraternity of Honor and Hand Kiss to the Sacred Image.

Place: Convento de San Joaquín y San Pascual

Brotherhood: Cofradía de la Santísima Virgen de los Dolores

Transfer-Processional of the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, from the Convent of Saint Joaquin to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption. Itinerary: Esquina del Convento, Paseo, Santa Ana, Buen Suceso, Angostos, Tercia, Santo Cristo, San Pedro, Cánovas del Castillo and Plaza Mayor.

Place: Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Brotherhood: Cofradía de La Samaritana

Transfer-Processional of the Holy Christ of Mercy, from the Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption to the House-Museum of Holy Week in Cieza. Itinerary: Basílica de Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción, Plaza Mayor, Hoz, Barco, San Bartolomé, Placeta del Santo, La Parra, Rincón de los Pinos, Pinos, Bartolo Lopo, Desamparados, Cabezo, Nueva, Esquina del Cantón, Buitragos, Empedrá, Barco and Cánovas del Castillo.
1 April

Place: Ermita de la Atalaya

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Holy Mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin of Good Success.

Place: Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Brotherhood: Cofradía de La Oración del Huerto y El Santo Sepulcro

Holy Mass in suffrage for the souls of the deceased Brothers of the Brotherhood of the Oración del Huerto and El Santo Sepulcro, Presentation of the Dormi of the year 2023. Music Concert.

Place: Convento de San Joaquín y San Pascual

Brotherhood: Cofradía del Smo. Cristo del Perdón y Sma. Virgen del Amor Hermoso

Holy Mass in suffrage for the souls of the deceased Brothers of the Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of Forgiveness, officiated by the Rev. D. Rafael Martínez Manda, Parish Priest of Saint Joaquin. Kissed the Holy Christ of Forgiveness.

Place: I.E.S. Diego Tortosa

Brotherhood: Cofradía de La Samaritana

Appointment of Samaritan of the Year and Samaritan of Honor.

Place: Convento de San Joaquín y San Pascual

Brotherhood: Cofradía del Smo. Cristo del Perdón y Sma. Virgen del Amor Hermoso

Transfer-Processional of the Holy Christ of Forgiveness from the Convent of Saint Joaquin to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption. At the end of the transfer, the meeting of the Most Holy Christ of Forgiveness with his Mother will take place in the Plaza Mayor / Basilica of the Assumption. Itinerary: Esquina del Convento, San Sebastián, Buitragos, Cánovas del Castillo, Barco, La Hoz and Plaza Mayor.
2 April

Place: Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Celebration of the Eucharist and Blessing of the Palms.

Place: Casa-Museo Dormis

Brotherhood: Cofradía de La Oración del Huerto y El Santo Sepulcro

Palm Procession (17th century). Parade: Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.

Itinerary: Plaza Mayor, San Pedro, Cánovas del Castillo, Buitragos, San Sebastián, Esquina del Convento, Paseo (left margin), Salvador Seguí, Buen Suceso, Angostos, Tercia, Santo Cristo, Cánovas del Castillo, San Pedro, Plaza Mayor and Cartas.

Place: Ermita del Santo Cristo del Consuelo

Brotherhood: Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo del Consuelo

Transfer-Processional of the Holy Christ of Consolation, from its Hermitage to the Basilica of the Assumption accompanied by its Brotherhood, Clergy, Authorities and people in general. Upon his arrival, Holy Mass will be officiated.

Itinerary: Bajada de la Ermita, Gran Vía, Camino de Madrid, Cadenas, Barco, Cánovas del Castillo, San Pedro and Plaza Mayor.
3 April

Place: Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Brotherhood: Hermandad de Santa María Magdalena

Via Crucis - Procession of the Holy Christ of the Blood (2001). Parading step: Holy Christ of the Blood (Brotherhood of Saint Mary Magdalene).

Itinerary: Plaza Mayor, Cid, La Parra, Rincón de los Pinos, Pinos, Larga, Buitragos, San Sebastián, Esquina del Convento, Mesones, Cadenas, Barco, La Hoz and Plaza Mayor.
4 April

Place: Plaza Mayor

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Representation of the Order of the Arrest (in the Plaza Mayor) and subsequent Procession of the Arrest (18th century). Pasos that parade: Santa Cena, The Prayer of the Garden, The Arrest, Our Father Jesus Nazareno and Tercio Romano of the Holy Sepulchre.

Itinerary: Plaza Mayor, Cid, La Parra, Rincón de los Pinos, Pinos, Larga, Buitragos, San Sebastián, Esquina del Convento, Mesones, Cadenas, Barco, Cánovas del Castillo / Diego Tortosa, San Pedro and Plaza Mayor.
5 April

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza


Parade of the Children's Thirds. The Children's Steps parade: The Angel (Brotherhood of The Prayer of the Garden and The Holy Sepulchre) and The Betrayal of Judas (Brotherhood of the Descent of Christ and Kiss of Judas).

Itinerary: Cánovas del Castillo, Buitragos, San Sebastián, Esquina del Convento, Paseo, Santa Ana, Buen Suceso, Angostos, Tercia, Santo Cristo and Cánovas del Castillo.

Place: Casa San Juan

Brotherhood: Cofradía de San Juan Evangelista

Brought from the Saints (19th century). Transfer of the Paso de San Juan from his garage to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption, accompanied by the Infant Third of his Brotherhood with the Infant Paso San Juan.

Itinerary: Hontana, Esquina del Convento, Paseo, Esquina del Convento, San Sebastián, Buitragos, Cánovas del Castillo, San Pedro and Plaza Mayor.

Place: Casa-Museo de Santa María Magdalena

Brotherhood: Hermandad de Santa María Magdalena

Brought from the Saints (19th century). Transfer of the Paso of Saint Mary Magdalene from the House of her Brotherhood to the House-Museum of Holy Week in Cieza, accompanied by the Infant Tercio of her Brotherhood with the Infant Paso of Saint Mary Magdalene.

Itinerary: Juego de Bolos, Mesones, San Sebastián, Buitragos and Cánovas del Castillo.

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

General Procession (19th century). Parade steps: The Samaritan Woman, The Anointing of Jesus in Betania, The Arrest, Roman Tercio of the Holy Sepulchre, Saint Peter, The Flagellation, The Crowning with Thorns, Ecce Homo, Saint Veronica, Most Holy Christ of Forgiveness, Saint Mary Magdalene, Most Holy Christ of Consolation and Blessed Virgin of Sorrows.

Itinerary: Plaza Mayor, Cid, La Parra, Rincón de los Pinos, Pinos, Larga, Buitragos, San Sebastián, Esquina del Convento, Mesones, Cadenas, Cánovas del Castillo and/or San Pedro and Plaza Mayor.
6 April

Place: Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción


Celebration of the Lord's Supper.

Place: Casa Nuestra Señora de Gracia y Esperanza

Brotherhood: Real Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de Gracia y Esperanza

Procession of the Children of Mary (1976). Parading step: Our Lady of Grace and Hope.

Itinerary: Diego Tortosa, San Pedro, Plaza Mayor, Cid, La Parra, Rincón de los Pinos, Pinos, Larga, Buitragos, San Sebastián, Esquina del Convento, Mesones, Cadenas, Barco and Diego Tortosa.

Place: Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Brotherhood: Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía

Procession of Silence (1931). Parading step: Holy Christ of Agony.

Itinerary: Capilla del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía, Plaza Mayor, Cid, La Parra, Rincón de los Pinos, Pinos, Larga, Buitragos, San Sebastián, Esquina del Convento, Mesones, Cadenas, Barco, Hoz, Plaza Mayor and Capilla del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía.
7 April

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Procession of the Penitent or Calvary (16th century). Steps that parade: Ecce Homo, Our Father Jesus Nazarene, Roman Tercio of the Holy Sepulchre, Encounter of Jesus and Mary in the Street of Bitterness, The Fall, Saint Veronica, Jesus on Calvary, Most Holy Christ of the Expiration, The Launched, Saint Mary Magdalene, Holy Christ of Consolation (the only Step after which plainclothes penitents can parade) and Blessed Virgin of Sorrows.

Itinerary: Plaza Mayor, San Pedro, Cánovas del Castillo, Buitragos, San Sebastián, Esquina del Convento, Paseo (left margin), Salvador Seguí, Buen Suceso, Angostos, Tercia, Santo Cristo, Cánovas del Castillo and/or San Pedro, Plaza Mayor and/or Cartas.

Place: Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción


Celebration of the Passion and Death of the Lord.

Place: Casa-Museo Dormis

Brotherhood: Cofradía de La Oración del Huerto y El Santo Sepulcro

Transfer of the Paso El Santo Sepulcro from his garage to the House-Museum of his Brotherhood.

Itinerary: Calderón de la Barca, Gran Vía, Ello, Paseo, Mesones, Angostos, Tercia, Santo Cristo, Cánovas del Castillo and Cartas.

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Procession of the Holy Burial (16th century). Parade steps: Holy Christ of Forgiveness, Descent of Christ, Holy Virgin of Mercy, Holy Reclining Christ and Virgin of Sorrow, Our Lady of Bitterness, Holy Women on the way to the Sepulchre, Holy Mary Salome, Holy Cross, Joseph de Arimathea , The Holy Sepulchre, Roman Tercio of the Holy Sepulchre, Saint John and Holy Mary of Solitude.

Itinerary: Plaza Mayor, Cid, La Parra, Rincón de los Pinos, Pinos, Larga, Buitragos, San Sebastián, Esquina del Convento, Mesones, Cadenas, Cánovas del Castillo and/or San Pedro and Plaza Mayor.

Place: Convento de San Joaquín y San Pascual


Solemn wake to dead Jesus.
8 April

Place: Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Brotherhood: Cofradía de Ánimas

Procession of the Descent of Christ into Hell (2001). Parading step: Jesus opening the gates of Hell.

Itinerary: Plaza Mayor, Hoz, Bajada al río, Subida del río, Plaza del Comisario, Rincón de los Pinos, Larga, Buitragos, Empedrá, Barco, Hoz, and Plaza Mayor.

Place: Cementerio del Santísimo Cristo del Consuelo

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Prayer for the deceased Brothers of Holy Week in Cieza and offering of flowers.

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza


Parade of the Children's Thirds. Children's Steps parade: The Angel (Brotherhood of the Prayer of the Garden and The Holy Sepulchre), La Samaritana (Brotherhood of La Samaritana), La Traición de Judas (Brotherhood of the Descent of Christ and Kiss of Judas), San Pedro (Brotherhood of Saint Peter the Apostle), The Flagellation (Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Agony), Our Lady of Hope in the Resurrection (Brotherhood of Our Lady of Grace and Hope), Saint Veronica (Brotherhood of Saint Veronica), Saint Mary Salome (Brotherhood of Jesus -Nazareno-), Saint Mary Magdalena (Brotherhood of Saint Mary Magdalene), The Brotherhood of the Holy Virgin of Sorrows (Brotherhood of the Holy Virgin of Sorrows), Risen Jesus (Brotherhood of Risen Jesus), Saint John (Brotherhood of Saint John the Evangelist) and Blessed Virgin of Beautiful Love (Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Forgiveness and Blessed Virgin of Beautiful Love).

Itinerary: Cánovas del Castillo, Buitragos, San Sebastián, Esquina del Convento, Paseo, Santa Ana, Buen Suceso, Angostos, Tercia, Santo Cristo and Cánovas del Castillo. The Meeting will take place in the corner of the Convent.
9 April

Place: Esquina del Convento

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Parade of the Music Bands to the Plaza Mayor, where the Brotherhoods will gather.

Place: Casa-Museo de Santa María Magdalena

Brotherhood: Hermandad de Santa María Magdalena

Transfer of Saint Mary Magdalene from the House of her Brotherhood to the House-Museum of Holy Week in Cieza.

Itinerary: Juego de Bolos, Mesones, Cadenas and Cánovas del Castillo.

Place: Ermita San Bartolomé

Brotherhood: Cofradía del Smo. Cristo del Perdón y Sma. Virgen del Amor Hermoso

Transfer of the Blessed Virgin of Beautiful Love from the Hermitage of Saint Bartolome to the Procession race.

Itinerary: Plaza del Santo, La Parra, Rincón de los Pinos, Cartas.

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Procession of the Risen One (17th century). Parading steps: Triumphant Angel, Risen Jesus, The Appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene, Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint Mary Salome, Saint Mary of Cleophas, The Disciples of Emmaus, The Ascension, Saint John and the Blessed Virgin of Beautiful Love.

The courtesy takes place in the Plaza de la Esquina del Convento at 11:30 a.m. The Steps will access the Plaza in three groups and by three different itineraries: Triumphant Angel, Risen Jesus, Appearance of Jesus to Saint Mary Magdalene (along the Paseo); Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint Mary Salome, Saint Mary of Cleophas and The Ascension (by Mesones street); Disciples of Emmaus, Saint John and Blessed Virgin of Beautiful Love (by San Sebastián street).

Itinerary after Courtesy: Esquina del Convento, Paseo, Salvador Seguí, Buen Suceso, Angostos, Tercia, Santo Cristo and Cánovas del Castillo.
15 April

Place: Iglesia de San José Obrero

Brotherhood: Cofradía de Ánimas

Holy Mass officiated by D. Emmanuel Becerra. Easter proclamation of Resurrection.