Event listing (29 September - 28 October)
29 September

Place: Club de Tenis

Brotherhood: Cofradía de San Pedro Apóstol

III Paddle Tournament Brotherhood of San Pedro

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

III Solidarity Night Walk 2023
30 September

Place: Club de Tenis

Brotherhood: Cofradía de San Pedro Apóstol

III Paddle Tournament Brotherhood of San Pedro.
1 October

Place: Convento de las Monjas Clarisas

Brotherhood: Real Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de Gracia y Esperanza

Rosary of Dawn, from the Convent of "Monjas Clarisas" to the Convent of "San Joaquín". At the end of it, the Holy Mass will be celebrated.

Place: Club de Tenis

Brotherhood: Cofradía de San Pedro Apóstol

III Paddle Tournament Brotherhood of San Pedro.
5 October

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Cofradía de San Pedro Apóstol

Conference "Palma Burgos. An artist between Spain and Italy", by D. José María Cámara Salmerón.
7 October

Place: Ermita de la Atalaya

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

Holy Mass in honor of the "Stma. Virgen del Buen Suceso".
8 October

Place: Convento de San Joaquín y San Pascual

Brotherhood: Real Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de Gracia y Esperanza

Rosary of Dawn, from de Convent of "San Joaquín" to the Church of "San José Obrero". At the end of it, the Holy Mass will be celebrated.
14 October

Place: Club de Tenis

Brotherhood: Cofradía de la Santa Verónica

Charity dinner Brotherhood of "Santa Verónica".
15 October

Place: Iglesia de San José Obrero

Brotherhood: Real Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de Gracia y Esperanza

Rosary of Dawn, from de Church of "San José Obrero" to the Church of "San Juan Bosco". At the end of it, the Holy Mass will be celebrated.
21 October

Place: Casa-Museo de la Semana Santa de Cieza

Brotherhood: Cofradía de San Pedro Apóstol

Great Procession. Parading steps: "Sta. María de Cleofás", Stmo. Cristo de la Expiración", "Santas Mujeres Camino del Sepulcro" and "San Pedro"; by the traditional itinerary.
22 October

Place: Iglesia de San Juan Bosco

Brotherhood: Real Cofradía de Nuestra Señora de Gracia y Esperanza

Rosary of Dawn, from the Church of "San Juan Bosco" to the Church of "Santa Clara". At the end of it, the Holy Mass will be celebrated.

Place: I.E.S. Diego Tortosa

Brotherhood: Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias

XV Coexistence Days of the "Tercios Infantiles".

Place: Basílica de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Brotherhood: Real Cofradía de Jesús Nazareno

Holy Mass in honor of "Santa María Salomé", officiated by D. José Antonio García López.