Posted on 24/06/2019 at 19:04

Yesterday the Corpus Christi festival was celebrated in Cieza. At 6:30 p.m. the solemn Eucharist was celebrated by the Chaplain of the Juna de Hermandades Pasionarias, D. José Antonio López García and concelebrated by the priest D. Mariano Caballero. At the end of it and the sacred form incensed, it was placed in the carriage to be carried on the shoulders through the streets of Cieza.

The procession opened with the banner of the Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias, followed by the banners of Christ of Medinaceli and San Bartolomé, the banners of the eighteen brotherhoods and, to close it, that of the Patron Saint, the Virgin of Good Success and that of night Adoration. Behind them, numerous people accompanied the custody, as well as a large group of boys and girls dressed in their first communion suits.

Along the route there were different altars, which were incensed by the Lord Counselor and before them a prayer was carried out.

To close the procession, the presidents and representatives of the eighteen brotherhoods, members of the municipal corporation, representatives of the Brotherhood of San Bartolomé and the Christ of Medinaceli, the town crier D. Antonio Morales Balsalobre and the Nazarene of the year D accompanied the custody. Antonio Lucas Parra, the president of the Passion Brotherhood Board, D. Joaquín D. Gómez Rubio, and the Mayor, D. Pascual Lucas Díaz.

The music was provided by the Municipal Band of Cieza, who enlivened the procession with their good work.

To end the procession, the entire entourage entered the Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption, where the final blessing was made with the monstrance and the Blessed Sacrament was reserved in the tabernacle.