"Dormis" by Antonio Ortiz Abellán will illustrate the Poster for Holy Week in Cieza 2022

Posted on 13/11/2021 at 13:08

With the new "normality", the traditional acts are carried out again, still under prevention and safety regulations. This year, the Decision of the XXXIV Photography Contest was held in the auditorium of the IES Diego Tortosa, where brothers and "ciezanos" saw which were the winning photographs.

The Dormis photograph taken by Antonio Ortiz Abellán was finally chosen for the XXXIV edition to announce the 2022 Cieza Holy Week Poster, a prize endowed with five hundred euros. The second prize, endowed with three hundred euros, went to the photographer Antonio Jesús Hernández Alba with his snapshot Silencio y luz, this being the one that illustrates the cover of the 2022 Holy Week Acts Guide. Finally, the third prize, endowed with with two hundred euros, it went to Carlos Javier Lucas González and his photograph Holy Week Cieza 2, which will be the cover of the poster announcing the acts of the Proclamation of 2022.

The Contest Decision began with the awards ceremony of the last Contest, after which, two videos were presented: a first with all the photographs presented and later another with the ten finalists. After the last visualization, the winners of this XXXIV Photography Contest were announced.
