José Antonio García López
Párroco de Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción
y Consiliario de la Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias
In these last few months, I think we have heard more about death than in other stages of our lives. Every time we hear the news, we know that one of the first things they're going to tell you is going to be the death toll.
Surely we all know people who are no longer here with us, who, in recent times, have died.
And all this accompanied by fear. Fear of dying, fear of infecting or infecting others.
And also the impression that our leaders are meanwhile entertaining themselves in their own business, in their own political fights. And as if that were not enough, nothing else can occur to them than to pass a law to facilitate death, especially of the elderly and the sick. How barbaric!
Death, death and death.
And scared, very scared.
And also, all the usual problems, aggravated by these circumstances: the migrants who come to our land looking for a better future, the conditions of the workers, which in many cases were already very precarious, the difficulties that families have to fulfill their homework, especially raising children.
Everything is even more difficult.
I have ever heard someone say: this year there will be no Easter either.
There is always Easter. And that this year it is more necessary than ever.
Of course there is Easter this year. And we must tell everyone who wants to hear us that life is always stronger than death.
There is One, who is God himself, who has passed through death and has defeated it. And for this reason, to those of us who believe in Him, He gives us the power to live in freedom.
Free from the fear of death, suffering, the virus, difficulties of any kind that may arise.
This year we have Easter. It will be different, of course. Every year is different.
That's why we have to do it better than ever. We have to make the Death and Resurrection of Christ present in our people. It is the only hope we have left.
To Cieza for his Holy Week. This year more than ever.