On January 31, the plenary meeting of the Diocesan Delegation of Brotherhoods of the Diocese of Cartagena took place, telematically, with the presence of the Presidents of "Cabildos", General Meetings and other Brotherhoods and our Bishop Mons. D. José Manuel Lorca Planes to evaluate if the processional parades of this year could be carried out.
All those present advised "the suspension of the processions in this upcoming Holy Week, as a public manifestation of our faith, but carried out on public roads." However, they considered the possibility of carrying out, in various formats, "some acts that allow the brothers and the faithful in general to approach the mysteries of our salvation that each Brotherhood or Brotherhood guards and promotes, always in accordance with the ecclesiastical authority and in strict compliance with the measures established by the competent health authorities.
Consequently, due to the current state of health, and after having consulted the Bishop and having received the appropriate ratification, the diocesan delegate of Brotherhoods D. Silvestre del Amor García has communicated the suspension of the Holy Week processions this year.