Ten years of Good Success crowned

Posted on 16/09/2024 at 12:40

"How many times have you addressed your last thought to him before going to sleep, how many times, in moments of difficulty, your prayers have climbed these slopes, to his house. How many times have you accompanied his comings and goings, how many of your prayers are woven in his lap , which joins those of your mother, and those of your grandmother, and those of countless Ciezanos for so many generations...".

This is how the promotional video edited by the Board of Pasionary Brotherhoods began, exactly ten years ago, on the occasion of the events in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Virgen del Buen Suceso and her canonical coronation, inviting the citizens of Cieza to participate in them, as would massively happen.

A decade has passed since then, a time in which many have left, others have arrived, new perspectives, social changes, customs, etc. But, despite everything, what good news is that She is still there, as radiant as ever, looking at us, protecting us, receiving the immense affection of a people that has professed an unwavering faith in Her for four centuries and of what last Saturday constituted a true statement.

Thus, the traditional religious function in his honor, and subsequent floral offering, was marked by the 10th Anniversary of his Canonical Coronation, which constituted the backbone of that, officiated by the Rev. D. Juan Tudela García, vicar general of the diocese, who knew how to condense in his homily, which moved a packed Basilica, the love of the people of Cieza for their Patroness.

During it, the offering of flowers to the Image of the Holy Virgin took place. Virgen del Buen Suceso, in which a large part of the local associations, brotherhoods and brotherhoods of Cieza, the Board of Passionary Brotherhoods, the City Council and the people in general participated. From these lines we would like to take the opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all those who, with this beautiful gesture, contributed to the decorum and emotion of this event.

At the end of it, as is traditional, the children passed under the mantle of the Virgin, at which time dozens of infants, alone or with their parents, passed under the mantle of their Mother, as a symbol of protection and intercession over their Ciezano children, also receiving an insignia from the Patroness.

On Saturday we were able to see how the words of the 2014 promotional video continue to maintain their full validity, how the greatest good event of the Ciezanos continues to be present in their lives. There is still a week of events ahead in his honor, which will culminate with the traditional pilgrimage to his sanctuary next Sunday, and in which we hope that the influx of Ciezanos continues to be as spectacular as the past few days. Your place is next to the Patrona, she is waiting for you.

"Whoever follows me does not walk in darkness but will have the light of life".
