This February 5, Ash Wednesday, th Board Pof Passionate Brotherhoods held its traditional mass of the imposition of ashes in the Basilica of "Nuestra Señora de la Asunción", officiated by the Parish Priest and Counselor of the same, as well as its subsequent act of the Solidarirty Candles.
The eighteen brotherhoods that make up the Permanent Board make, as usual, an offering with the aim of honoring and bringing closer, if possible, to eah of the local entities that work every day to create a better and more fair. The purpose is none other than to recognize the social work carried out throughout the year by each of the associations in our city.
This year 2025, the aforementioned recognition has gone to "Cruz Roja", fot the important work they carry out to support and socially promote all those people in situations of precariousness and exclusion.