Posted on 27/02/2020 at 18:03

With Ash Wednesday the Lent of this year 2020 began and, in the celebration of the Eucharist of the imposition of ash, the recognition of the solidarity candles granted by this Board of Brotherhoods took place. This year it went to the Christian NGO Manos Unidas Cieza. This group, with a deep-rooted presence in the town for many years, is in charge of working for those most in need in the world. Through their campaigns to collect money, they have managed to fund many projects to help in the third world.

At the time of the Offertory of the Eucharist, the eighteen brotherhoods and brotherhoods, the representative of Manos Unidas, the representative of the City Council and the President of the Board of Passion Brotherhoods, made the offering of the candles on the altar as a sign of the beginning of the Lent and the penitential time that it entails.

At the end of it, in Thanksgiving, a small summary of the work that this organization has been carrying out and that have made it deserving of this recognition by the Ciezana Holy Week was read, and the delivery of a commemorative plaque from of D. Joaquín Diego Gómez Rubio, President of the Board of Passionate Brotherhoods of Cieza.
