The ciezanos confreres know the Poster that will illustrate their Holy Week

Posted on 27/02/2023 at 09:40

Last Saturday, February 25, the Presentation of the Holy Week of Cieza took place, by Mrs. Nazaret Navarro López. The events began in the afternoon with a visit to the House-Museum of Holy Week in Cieza and the Houses of Brotherhood of the Children of Mary, the Holy Christ of Consuelo and the Risen Jesus and La Oración del Huerto and Santo Sepulcro. Then, at 7:00 p.m. in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption, the Holy Mass for the deceased Brothers of Holy Week in Cieza, which was officiated by Mr. José Antonio García López, Counselor of the Board of Passion Brotherhoods. After that, the Presentation of Holy Week in Cieza was held.
During the Presentation, Mrs. Nazaret Navarro López announced who was the Nazarene of Holy Week in Cieza 2023, falling on Mr. Eusebio Ríos Sánchez. Likewise, he unveiled the Cieza Holy Week Poster and the different Posters of our Passion Week. At the end of the Presentation, and before the concert of processional marches by the "Sordium Quartet", the presenter signed the book of honor of the Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias and received, from its president, D. Joaquín D. Gómez Rubio, a plaque in memory of the act and the gold pin of the Board of Passionate Brotherhoods. Also, the First and Second Prize of the XXXV "Semana Santa de Cieza" 2023 Poster Contest were awarded, to Antonio Ortiz Abellán and Juan Fernández Saorín, and the First Prize of the II "Cristo de Ánimas" Photography Contest 2023 to Alberto Carrasco Gardener.