At 7:00 p.m. today began the broadcast of the Hora Cofrade program of Cadena Ser in the halls of the House-Museum of Holy Week. Once again, Encarna Talavera presents, together with her collaborator of several years now, her program to talk about Holy Week. As she herself says: “talking about Easter on these dates prior to Lent is a pleasure”.
In front of the Cadena Ser microphones, Encarna has interviewed different personalities who have broken down and advanced small brushstrokes of the novelties that this Easter 2020 of Cieza will bring.
The first of the people he has interviewed has been the President of the Board of Brotherhoods of Cieza, Mr. Joaquín Diego Gómez Rubio. The president has mentioned some of the novelties that our Holy Week will have, among which those referring to the act of Arrest on our beloved Holy Tuesday, counting this year with Banda Sonara by the prestigious Jumillano composer Roque Baños.
The microphones have also been open for María José Rojas, president of the Brotherhood of the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, to mention the acts that they have prepared to carry out throughout this year to celebrate their 75th Anniversary.
Encarna always interviews the preacher of Holy Week, and this year could not be different. He has interviewed José Antonio Gázquez, town crier for this year 2020, whom he has tried to get a word out of his proclamation, which has reserved this information for next March 29, the day of the Holy Week Proclamation this year.
To close today's program and his interviews, the Cieza City Councilor for Tourism, Antonio Moya, has commented on how the City Council, with the Mayor at the helm, along with the JHP board of directors and some of the presidents of certain brotherhoods , have created a working commission to fight for the declaration of Holy Week in Cieza of international tourist interest.
The program has finished summoning us to an upcoming date for a new broadcast of the Hora Cofrade program in Cieza and its Easter Museum, this will be next March 21 at 8:00 p.m.