At 7:00 p.m., on January 20, the Brotherhood Remebrance event wals held "Nazareno and Soledad", organized by the Royal Brotherhood of "Jesús -Nazareno" and the Royal, Illustrious, Venerable and Primitive Brotherhood of "María Stma. de la Soledad". Two brotherhoods historically linked both in their foundation and in their subsequent development, as acts like yesterday's show.
The religious function, officiated by Rev. D. Pedro José González Najas, had the presence at the High Altar of the owners of both Brotherhoods, in a kind of nod to those novenas that, although separately and successively, were celebrated in honor of "Nuestro Padre Jesñus" and "María Santísima de la Soledad" until well into the 20th century, as chronicles of the time attest.
the event, which inaugurated this year's brotherhood events, was enlivened by a wind quartet that enlivened it with sacred music arranged for the occasion.
Header photos of Manuel Carpio.
Photograhs from the Board of Passionate Brotherhood’s archive gallery.