Posted on 03/05/2019 at 18:46

Last Friday the Mayor, Pascual Lucas, together with the president of the Board of Passionate Brotherhoods, D. Joaquín D. Gómez Rubio, inaugurated the second of the four exhibitions that have been scheduled for this year at Casa Mueso of the Holy Week of Cieza.

On this occasion, the central image of the exhibition is Mary in her different invocations within the Passion, Death and Resurrection of her Son. A total of ten images are part of it, ten images that parade individually or in different sculptural groups in our processional parades. In this sample we will find full size images as well as dress.

The hands of eight sculptors have been in charge of making the images: García Mengual, Hernández Navarro, Bernal Redondo, Romero Zafra, José Capuz, Álvarez Duarte, González Moreno (who has three images) and Manuel Carrillo García from Ciez.

The exhibition can be visited throughout the month of May with the following hours: Tuesday to Friday from 7 to 9 p.m., Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Likewise, you can access guided tours by previously contacting the Board of Passionate Brotherhoods.