The Spring of the World

Posted on 12/04/2023 at 13:39

Holy Thursday, one of the key days of Holy Week. After the Celebration of the Eucharist, at 8:30 p.m., the Procession of the Children of Mary began, with the Passage of Our Lady of Grace and Hope; an Image that was accompanied by a large procession of "manolos and manolas". Then, at 00:00, the Procession of Silence started. The silence of the processionists on the sidewalks, the traditional string group and the brothers of the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Agony, were the ones who accompanied the Image of the Holy Christ of Agony.
The day of Good Friday began with the Procession of the Penitent. Starting at 9:30, leaving from the House-Museum, the Basilica of Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción and the Casa de los Dormis, the following parades paraded: The Judgment of Jesus, Our Father Jesus Nazareno, Roman Tercio of the Holy Sepulcher , Meeting of Jesus and Mary in the Calle de la Amargura, La Caída, Santa Verónica, Jesus on Calvary, Holy Christ of the Expiration, La Lanzada, Holy Mary Magdalene, Holy Christ of Consolation and Holy Virgin of Sorrows. In the afternoon, from 6:30 p.m., the traditional Transfer of the Holy Sepulcher Pass was made.
At night, from 8:30 p.m., the Procession of the Holy Burial began, with the following steps: Most Holy Christ of Forgiveness, Descent of Christ, Most Holy Virgin of Mercy, Most Holy Reclining Christ and Our Lady of Greater Sorrow, Our Lady of Bitterness, The Holy Women on the way to the Sepulchre, Santa María Salomé, Santa Cruz, José de Arimathea, The Holy Sepulchre, Roman Tercio of the Holy Sepulchre, Saint John and the Blessed Virgin of Solitude. At 3 in the morning, from the Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption, the Image of Jesus went out to the streets of Cieza, opening the doors of Hell, giving rise to the Procession of Christ's Descent into Hell.
On Saturday, Glory Saturday, at 2:00 p.m., there was a Prayer for the deceased Brothers of Holy Week in Cieza and an offering of flowers in the Cemetery of the Santísimo Cristo del Consuelo. Later, at 5:30 p.m., "Children's Courtesy" was celebrated with the following steps: The Angel, The Samaritan, The Betrayal of Judas, Saint Peter, The Flagellation, Our Lady of Hope in the Resurrection, Saint Veronica, Santa María Salomé, Santa María Magdalena, La Dolorosa, Jesus Resurrected and Blessed Virgin of Beautiful Love.
The last day of Holy Week, Easter Sunday, began with a Parade of the Music Bands that were going to participate in the Processional Parade; this took place at 10:30, from the Esquina del Convento to the Plaza Mayor. At 10:45, the Images of Santa María Magdalena and Santísima Virgen del Amor Hermoso were transferred, until the beginning of the procession race. The Courtesy, which was held around 12:00 in the Convent Corner, with the interpretation of the pasodoble "La Cortesía" by maestro Gómez Villa, had the following steps: The Triumphant Angel, Risen Jesus, The Appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene, Saint Mary Magdalene, Saint Mary Salome, Saint Mary of Cleophas, The Disciples of Emmaus, The Ascension, Saint John and the Blessed Virgin of Beautiful Love. Then the Procession of the Risen One was held, thus concluding the Acts of Holy Week in Cieza.