Transfer of the Blessed Virgin of Good Success

Posted on 15/09/2021 at 08:39

Next Sunday, September 19, at 07:00 a.m., Holy Mass in honor of the "Stma. Virgen del Buen Suceso" in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Assumption, officiated by the Rev. D. José Antonio García López, parish priest of the Basilica.

At the end, Transfer of the "Santísima Virgen del Buen Suceso" to her Sanctuary in the "Collado de la Atalaya", in compliance with the following mandatory health safety regulations, being monitored by several collaborators (all of them duly identified):

- The organization of the participants in the transfer, in relation to the accompaniment, will be structured by lines, in the procession style, if possible with 3 rows in front and 3 rows behind, provided that the security measures of 1.5 meters are complied with. between people; 2 rows in places where 3 are not allowed.

- Mandatory surgical mask at all times.

- Safety distance of all participants of at least 1.5 meters between them.

- Avoid crowds of people in the streets and places of passage, by means of the pertinent instructions to these people that they keep the safety distances.

- Use of hydroalcoholic gels.

Upon the arrival of the Virgin at the Hermitage, the crowding of people on the esplanade will be avoided at all times. The Hermitage will remain open throughout the day. Before entering the Hermitage, a Response will be officiated by the Rev. D. José Antonio García López, Counselor of the "Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias".
