After the visit to Trapani and the signing of the Twinning between the Unione Maestranze di Trapani and the Board of Passionate Brotherhoods of Cieza last weekend, January 27, 28, 29 and 30, 2023, the acts between the two entities continue.
On February 10, 11 and 12, a delegation made up of the Unione Maestranze di Trapani and presidents and directors of the different Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of Trapani, will visit our town, Cieza, where, in addition to celebrating the Twinning Act and the delivery of the symbol that will be carried in the processions of the Holy Week of Cieza, the Holy Week of Trapani will be presented.
In addition to these centers, other acts will be carried out. On Friday there will be a Reception by the Bishop of the Diocese of Cartagena in Murcia, a visit to the Holy Cathedral of Murcia and, finally, a guided visit to the Medina Siyasa Site and Hermitage of the Stma. Virgin of Good Success. On Saturday, at 10am Reception at the Town Hall by the Mayor and his Municipal Corporation, Presentation of the Holy Week of Trapani in the Carmelo Gómez Templado Auditorium at 11am, tourist visit through the historic center of Cieza, Official Reception at the House-Museum of the Holy Week of Cieza in charge of the Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias at 5pm and Concert of Processional Marches in charge of the Band of Music of San Sebastián de Padul (Granada), directed by D. Víctor Manuel Ferrer Castillo, with premiere of the march "1914" dedicated to the Holy Week in Cieza and composed by D. Víctor Manuel Ferrer Castillo in Theater Capitol at 7pm. Already on Sunday, the day will begin with a visit to the Hermitage of the Stmo. Cristo del Consuelo, will continue at 10:30 with the Transfer-Processional of Banners of the Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods that are part of the Board of Passionate Brotherhoods, Homage to the deceased brothers from Cieza and Trapanese at the Monument to the Nazarene, Mass officiated by the Hon. Bishop of the Diocese of Cartagena D. José Manuel Lorca Planes in the Basilica of Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción at 12 noon and, concluding the acts, the Official Act of the Twinning Signature will be held between the Board of Passionate Brotherhoods and the Unione Maestranze di Trapani and the delivery of the symbol for the Procession of the Holy Burial.