Víctor M. Ferrer will present Holy Week in Cieza 2022
Posted on 28/12/2021 at 08:53
Next Saturday, March 5, at 7:00 p.m. In the "Basilica of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción", after the Holy Mass in Suffrage for the souls of the deceased Confraternities of Holy Week in Cieza, the Holy Week of Cieza 2022 will be presented. After a year without being able to celebrate the traditional act, the "Junta de Hermandades Pasionarias" of Cieza has chosen the Granada-born composer Víctor Manuel Ferrer Castillo as the person in charge of presenting Holy Week.
Víctor M. Ferrer was born in Granada in 1981. At the age of 11 he began his musical studies with the tuba at the Ogíjares Municipal School of Music and Dance; In that same year he became part of the Ogíjares Municipal Music Band, being a founding member. He continued his studies at the Professional Conservatory and later obtained a degree in the tuba specialty at the "Victoria Eugenia" Conservatory of Granada.
He has established relationships with great teachers at the level of conducting, composition and interpretation, thanks to his continuous contact with music bands, such as Melchor Perelló, Ignacio García Vidal, Óscar Navarro, Enrique Rueda, Pascual Vilaplana, Franco Cesarini or Andrea Loss. He has been deputy director of the Ogíjares Symphonic Band for ten years and director of the Pulianas Music Band.
Currently, he is musical director of the "San Sebastián" Music-Cultural Association of Padul (Granada) and musical advisor of the "El Castillo" Musical Association of Serón (Almería). As a composer, his work has sounded in numerous concerts, contests and processional parades inside and outside of Spain. He has written marches for brotherhoods and brotherhoods in the provinces of Granada, Málaga, Córdoba, Cádiz, Huelva, Seville and the Canary Islands.
He has received several awards such as the "Espinosa Cuadros" award for his contribution to Holy Week in Granada, the "Virgen de la Salud" award for enhancing Granada's Holy Week, the "Nazareno de Plata" award for his contribution to enhancing Holy Week de Granada or the prize for best director in the V Contest of Music Bands "Villa de Olivares".
Among his musical works, the symphonic poem "La última noche" or the marches "Antigua, Madre y Señora", "Concha", "Dulzura" or "Mi Amargura" stand out.