Posted on 21/10/2019 at 20:59

On Sunday, October 20, 2019, the XIV meeting of young people organized by the Youth Committee of the Board of Passion Brotherhoods was held. More than a hundred children, between the ages of 6 and 12, had a day of conviviality and fun, despite the rain, at the facilities of the Instituto Diego Tortosa de Cieza.

After the reception by all the youth members of the eighteen brotherhoods and the volunteers who accompanied them, the boys and girls celebrated the Eucharist. After her, lunch to gather strength for the morning of games that they had prepared for them; games adapted to the levels of boys and girls.

After finishing the meal, a small procession was held through the courtyard of the institute with two of the images that were ready to go out into the street; because before the threat of rain, he stayed in a walk through it, but the boys and girls celebrated it as if they had paraded through the streets of Cieza.