XVIII Diocesan Day of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of the Diocese of Cartagena

Posted on 25/10/2021 at 13:37

Yesterday, Sunday, October 24, the XVIII Diocesan Day took place in Alcantarilla. Members of the different Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods and the Board of Passionary Brotherhoods of Cieza participated in this day, marked by the words of the Pope's Nuncio in Spain thanking the massive attendance.

The meeting began at 09:30 in the Plaza de la Inmaculada, with the welcome of the brothers and pilgrims and the prayer led by the episcopal delegate of the Diocesan Delegation, Silvestre del Amor.

After the initial prayer, the authorities with the president of the regional government, Fernando López Miras, in addition to the president of the Board of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods Pasionarias de Alcantarilla, José Sánchez del Cerro, the bishop of the Diocese of Cartagena, José Manuel Lorca Planes, and the president of the Regional Assembly, Alberto Castillo, at the head, along with the brotherhoods and brotherhoods of the Diocese of Cartagena with their banners and images of Holy Week, led by the "Santísimo Cristo del Consuelo" and accompanied by several bands of music, on a pilgrimage through the streets of the city.

At 12:00, in the Fairgrounds the Holy Eucharist was celebrated, officiated by the Apostolic Nuncio in Spain, Reverend Bernardito Cleopas.
