Children's Procession
Holy Saturday Afternoon


Although there are several Brotherhoods that carry out a small parade with the Children's Thirds on the afternoon of Holy Wednesday, it is on the eve of Easter Sunday when the children of Holy Week in Cieza have their great Brotherhood party, with the joyful and massive parade of the Infantile Tercios.


Each Brotherhood brings out its children dressed in the Brotherhood's tunic, who parade distributing candies followed by the small step, created specifically so that their light weight can be carried on the shoulders of those who, tomorrow, will have to carry the Steps of the Ciezana Holy Week.


When, through different itineraries, all the Brotherhoods come together at the Esquina del Convento, the children's version of the Courtesy takes place before an extraordinary crowd, with the Steps greeting each other with small bows while the sweets rain down and the sound, mixed with each other, of joyful parades.


Once the Meeting is over, the Brotherhoods continue to parade, now in order, but with the same joy, along the traditional itinerary until they are collected at the Casa de los Santos.


The party prior to the grand finale of Easter Sunday takes place on Saturday afternoon, where the absolute leading role corresponds to the children, who parade enthusiastically, truly happy, to have a space in Holy Week that is entirely theirs, without them being able to find in the national context a children's processional event of this caliber.

Any visitor should not miss the moment when the Steps come together at the Corner of the Convent and the children strive to do the Dance of the Saints and Courtesy (the greetings between the Steps) as well as the adults. Public attendance is massive among the huge number of children, family members and the extraordinary number of neighbors and visitors who come to the great popular children's festival.

In this sense, the skill with which the ciezanos educate the little ones is amazing so that, from a very young age, they learn the very peculiar way of parading with the Steps, in order not to lose one of the hallmarks of the Holy Week. In addition, reserving one of the grandiose moments of the Fiestas for the little ones favors their bond and their sense of belonging to the Brotherhoods, feeding what has to be the generational change.

From the patrimonial point of view, it is worth noting that most of the Images of the Procession (up to seven) are the work of the young image maker Antonio Jesús Yuste Navarro, a local artist who already stands out with an abundant and recognized work in various corners of the city. Region of Murcia, which ends up defining the unequivocally ciezana imprint of this massive family festival that is Holy Saturday in our town.


Cánovas del Castillo, Buitragos, San Sebastián, Esquina del Convento, Paseo, Santa Ana, Buen Suceso, Angostos, Tercia, Santo Cristo and Cánovas del Castillo. The meeting will take place at the Esquina del Convento.


