Processional Transfer of the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows
Night of Friday of Sorrows


Although the transfers of San Pedro and Nuestra Señora de Gracia y Esperanza have already taken place in the preceding weeks, it is undoubtedly on the night of Friday of Dolores (the day before Palm Sunday) when the processions begin for all ciezanos. ciezanas, with the solemn processional transfer of the Blessed. Virgen de los Dolores from the Convent of San Joaquín to the Basilica of Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción, from where the Image will depart in the Wednesday and Good Friday Processions. The Marian Brotherhood finds its big day on this Friday when the name day of its Holder is celebrated, and for this reason the parade takes place with the seriousness and careful staging typical of Ciezan Processions.


The Processional Transfer of La Dolorosa is the great beginning of Holy Week in Cieza, which explains its considerable popular success, and the festive and enthusiastic atmosphere of the night: nobody wants to miss the first Procession. The peculiar costumes of his Tercio de Nazarenos, which takes the oldest model of ciezanas tunics, and the great sculptural value of the Image of the Virgin, the work of González Moreno, are the great attractions of the night from the patrimonial point of view . The crowd that awaits La Dolorosa on the Paseo, after her departure from the Convent of San Joaquín at 10 pm, makes this enclave the most popular of the route thanks to the emotional encounter with the Paso de Jesús de Medinaceli, which returns to the Convent to close his last Lenten Stations of the Cross. Although it will undoubtedly be worth waiting until the arrival of the Virgin at the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, the first essential moment of Holy Week in Ciez, when the last steps of the throne in front of the facade of the Basilica de la Asunción will be accompanied by the bands that accompany the parade, giving the collection a particularly solemn air.


Esquina del Convento, Paseo, Santa Ana, Buen Suceso, Angostos, Tercia, Santo Cristo, San Pedro, Cánovas del Castillo and Plaza Mayor.


