"Santo Entierro" of the Brotherhood of the "Samaritana": glory for Cieza and its Holy Week
The imposing work of Antonio Jesús Yuste and the impressive carving of Javier Bernal saw the light in an act full of meditation
Processional Transfer of "San Pedro"
After the Holy Mass, the Brotherhood paid tribute to Francisco Manuel Benedicto Pérez de Lema for his work and commitment
"El Anda" 2024 is now on sale!
From today, Cieza's Holy Week magazine, "El Anda" 2024, is now on sale
Devotion to the Lord of Holy Monday
The Brotherhood of "Santa María Magdalena" celebrated its traditional triduum on March 8, 9 and 10 in honor of the "Santísimo Cristo de la Sangre"
Processional Transfer of "Nuestra Señora de Gracia y Esperanza"
After the religious ceremony of Marian Exaltation and the Act of Enthronement, José Joaquín Alba Gómez was named Honorary Brother of the Brotherhood
New souvenirs of the Patron Saint
The new souvenirs of the Patron Saint are now available
Rules of the XXVIII Regional Drawing Contest "Holy Week of Cieza 2024"
The Board of Passionate Brotherhoods of Cieza calls for the XXVIII Regional Drawing Contest "Holy Week of Cieza 2024"
The graceful gesture of "San Juan" presides over the Holy Mass of the Brotherhood
The carving of "San Juan" already awaits a new Holy Wednesday, after his Holy Mass in suffrage for the souls of the deceased of the Brotherhood
Fifteen years calming the streets of Cieza
The Royal Brotherhood of "Jesús -Nazareno-" held a solemn religious function on the occasion of the 15th Anniversary of "La Coronación de Espinas" pass
Manuel Sánchez, Nazarene of the Year 2024: son of Mary and processionist of Holy Week in Cieza
After the presentation of "El Anda", Manuel Sánchez Sánchez received the heartfelt tribute from the attendees for his immeasurable work for Holy Week in Cieza
A traditional snapshot of "San Juan" in the Holy Burial Procession stars in "El Anda" 2024
Enrique Centeno and Fernando Molina presented "El Anda" 2024, where they had in mind the eighteen copies that complete the history and the third edition of the traditional magazine
New souvenirs of the Patron Saint and Holy Week
The new souvenirs of the Patron Saint and Holy Week of Cieza are now available